157 Matches for Salvador Medrano

Salvador O. Medrano

Magnolia, TX

Salvador Medrano lives in Magnolia, Texas.

Salvador Medrano

Arlington, TX

Salvador Medrano lives in Arlington, Texas.

Salvador N. Medrano Age 47

Glendora, CA | San Bernardino, CA | Los Angeles, CA

Also known as: darknight247

Marketer with an emphasis in all things web including; PPC, SEO and Social Media Marketing. Use of best practices and creation of new advertising campaigns has garnered clients high ROAS. I have been recruited to run social media advertising campaigns for some of my established clients with solid and measurable results. Proficient in Google AdWords & MS AdCenter. Solid networking abilities whether in person, on the phone or in any variation of online platforms. In my previous career in sales, was an accomplished sales, account management and business development professional focused on acquisition of new accounts, renewals and customer service. Proven ability to develop potential in new market areas, as well as management of a large account base. Strong analytical and planning skills, combined with the ability to coordinate the efforts of many to meet customers needs. Exceptional communicator with demonstrated success building relationships with small to large businesses. Productive and efficient work habits without supervision. Self-motivator with high energy and an all around team player. Specialties Internet marketing, search marketing, social network marketing experience, background in product & service sales, strong customer service skills, experience with international market development, Phone/In-Person/B2B cold calling experience, strong networking skill set.

  • #Mt. San Antonio College

Salvador M. Medrano Age 52

Bell, CA | Downey, CA | Huntington Park, CA

Salvador Medrano lives in Bell, CA. Other places in which Salvador has lived are Downey, CA; Huntington Park, CA and Whittier, CA. Alfonso Medrano, Mariaelena E Navarrette, Maria Eleana Medrano, Elena Medrano, Gustavo Medrano, Salavador Mendoza Medrano, Oscar Medrano and Gustavo Medrano are some of Salvador relatives.

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