16 Matches for Hofgaard

Judy M. Hofgaard

Auburn, WA

Judy Hofgaard lives in Auburn, WA. Kirsten Marie Hofgaard, Michael A Hofgaard, Paul M Hofgaard, Judith M Hofgaard and Kirsten M Holfgaard are in Judy family.

Judith M. Hofgaard Age 74

Auburn, WA

Judith Hofgaard lives in Auburn, Washington.

Kirsten Hofgaard Age 44

Kent, WA

I'm a little...eccentric. I am a great listener and always willing to be there for my friends. I'm tallish, auburn hair, two eyes...the ususal. I may have to ponder this one a bit.

Michael A. Hofgaard Age 75

Auburn, WA

Michael Hofgaard lives in Auburn, WA. Kirsten Marie Hofgaard, Paul M Hofgaard, Judith M Hofgaard and Kirsten M Holfgaard are some of Michael relatives.

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