Sharon Ostalecki, Ph.D. Individualized health planning health coaching, including assistance with managing current health and medical regimens. Integrative Medicine Health Specialist for Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain Integrative Health Coach, . Dept. of Integrative Medicine, Duke University Medical Center Totally Coached, Certified Intrinsic Coach Author Speaker Accomplishments founder and Executive Director of Helping Our Pain Exhaustion, (H.O.P.E.) a (c)() non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance knowledge and awareness of Fibromyalgia. Dr. Ostalecki graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelors' of Science Degree, Masters in Physical Science and holds a Ph.D. in Nutrition. Graduated from Dept. of Integrative Medicine, Duke University Medical Center as a Integrative Health Coach for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Health Maintenance Dr. Ostalecki has authored the following books, and is the Executive Producer of an award winning documentary. "Fibromyalgia The Complete Guide from Medical Experts and Patients" (Jones Bartlett, ) " Questions Answers About Fibromyalgia" (Jones Bartlett, ) Fibromyalgia Benefits of Regular Exercise (Helping Our Pain Exhaustion) () Executive Producer of the Telly Award winning documentary, Fibromyalgia Fitting the Pieces Together, (Mort Crim Communications, Inc., ) . Executive Producer of the documentary, Faces of Fibromyalgia in MI Creator of the First Step Fibromyalgia Buddy Program. Dr. Ostalecki, is involved in many professional, community and outreach programs including Advisory Committee on Pain and Symptom Management, Lansing, MI Subcommittee member of the Governor's web site on health awareness, Lansing, MI MI representative- American Pain Foundation National Institute of Health-Council of Public Representative (COPR) Associates Member Program. Facilitator Fibromyalgia Support Group- William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI Specialties Integrative Medicine Health Specialist for Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain Integrative Health Coaching Author Speaker Certified Intrinsic Coach read more ...
  • health
  • television
  • jazz
  • scrabble
  • nutrition
  • chess
  • pain
  • producing
  • reflexology
  • oldies
  • Eastern Michigan University
  • Wayne State University
  • Phd
  • Fibromyalgia & Wellness Author
  • Fibromyalgia & Wellness Speaker

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