Roger A. Chang

Male, 45 years old

30 something male living in San Francisco. I'm a self-described - actually no, I think everyone believes this - geek. I like technology, comic books, the occasional video game, sci-fi TV/movies/themes and have a penchant for the odd, bizarre, whimsical and unexplained. The more fantastic/weird it is the more I'll probably like it. I can be overly nerdy, but if it must I can keep it bottled up in polite company and unleash the geek torrent at a more appropriate time and place. Also have a bad habit of being contentious, contrarian, and an all around smart ass - just ask my friends. Big music fan with an eclectic taste for everything except for maybe soft-jazz - which if you think about it really isn't music. From alt country, alt rock, indie music, Brian Eno (yeah he gets his own category), college music and beyond I give anything a go. Love traveling, when I get a chance, but especially with company cuz it really is a scary world out there. Have a special place, though, for the land of OZ and its people. I also seem to have an habitual desire for reading and analysing global politics and foreign policy. I have a special interest in anything regarding France, although not in a good way. Probably doesn't mean anything although some budding Freudian scholar might disagree. Use to work in TV land as a TV producer but the job moved south, literally, and I'm currently work for ZD media producing video content for web like and Sure I can't hob nob with B-grade actors and washed up sitcom stars but in the end I do get to meet a lot of great and interesting people, especially a certain "AN" and my workmates fcking rock. read more ...
  • computers
  • technology
  • traveling
  • work
  • firefly
  • dating
  • women
  • aviation
  • travis
  • justice
  • Sfsu
  • Thomas Downey High School
  • Class Of 1992
  • Techtv
  • Producer
  • Anchor
  • Gamespot
  • Zdtv

Public Records

Arrest Records

Possible Social Links
