If you are looking for the relatively well known, British jazz guitarist, of the same name, I'm sorry, but you're in the wrong place. This Martin Taylor was born in Blackburn, Lancashire at the tail end of the sixties. He went to school at Ripley St. Thomas, Lancaster. He got his degree in English literature at Ripon, N.Yorks. in '. Since ' this Martin Taylor has been a professional geek for the world's second largest software developer. He unintentionally emigrated to California in ' where he works at the Northern tip of Silicon Valley, and lives in an especially foggy part of San Francisco. He married Patti on New Year's Eve (his tax accountant thought this romantic, but fiscally foolish) and they bought their first home in . This Martin Taylor played bass in various barpub bands in the UK with inane names like "The Pontardawe Folk Club", "Jungle Ted and the Lacy Button Poppers" and "Worlds Apart". If you were unfortunate enough to have seen any of these bands live, Martin would like to take this opportunity to apologize. This Martin Taylor hardly ever refers refers to himself in the third person but figured it would be OK just this once. I have kept a regular photoblog since . I am using flickr as a place to play and not worry so much about photography so much as posting pictures and having fun. What does that mean I wouldn't post nearly so many pictures of dogs on my photoblog as I do here. if (ge('stewartswfdiv')) F.decorate(ge('stewartswfdiv'), F.stewartswfdiv).stewartgogogo(, , flickrforceControlSize'medium',onsite'true',photosecret 'fffdcfa',photoid '',flickrphotopage 'photosmartintaylor',,'httpfarm.staticflickr.comfffdcfam.jpg') To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. - Elliott Erwitt Twitter, TheOtherMartin twitter.comTheOtherMartin read more ...
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