john cheatham
I have about two decades experience in the general information technology field, working in classroom and audiovisual support since . I've also been editing videos professionally since . On the production end of things, I have experience in audio, video, presentation, and lighting, as well as producing live events and directing cameras (as much as eight at one time), as well as running a wide variety of them myself. I've created (produced, filmed, and edited) videos for playback to as much as , people at live venues. I've set, programmed, and ran lighting in a variety of venues with a variety of systems. On the IT end of things, I've been building computers since before my teenage years and continue to enjoy that passion. I've been creating and maintaining websites since the mid-s and still run a web server on the side. Computers come naturally to me and fixing them is just what I do. read more ...
  • graphic design
  • mac
  • web design
  • photography
  • camping
  • audio
  • computer repair
  • hiking
  • North Georgia College And State University
  • Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Premises Technician At At&t

Public Records

Arrest Records

Possible Social Links
