Joel Kent


I have been in the furniture and accessory business for the past 30 years, with that said I have had the pleasure of working with some awesome people over that time. I have worked on the wholesale side, as well as the retail side. So there are not many areas of this business that I have not been a part of. The best part has been working with all different types of personalities, this will make you grow personally and professionally. With this growth you become a valuable asset to the company and can better adjust to market swings and make allowances for tough times. The mark of a true professional is when they realize that they are only as good as the people that they have around them. Nurture and train daily and you will have people that love what they do and as a result not dread coming to work! My goals are very basic, be the best that I can with any job set before me, do not get caught up in the politics of the company and make sure that what I say and do, I can live with afterwards. Your word is your bond make it stick. Specialties My key trait is people skills, respect others, take the time to listen to them, help them grow and succeed and I have grown by default. Anything design related, architectural or visually stimulating is what makes me hum. I have the inate ability to look at something for what it can be, not just what it is now. Merchandising is a key part of my line of work, and I know my way around retail sales floors as well as wholesale showrooms. read more ...
  • product design
  • interior design
  • Southern Methodist University - Cox School Of Business

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