Brian Fudge

44 years old

i'm an outgoing open minded friendly happy ready to go do anything energetic boredom phobic but still reserve the right to stay at home and take a nap or read a book kind of guy. i have two yellow labs, einstein and mojo, who will alternately try to put their nose up your skirt or climb onto you while sitting in a couch with a ball in their mouth and stand there until you acknowledge them and play. they might have learned that from watching me. i have a sweet job that i love that makes me the envy of every checkout guy at Best Buy, but still isn't too dorky to talk about at a bar. i call my mom regularly and open doors for girls. i've travelled a lot and can't wait to do it again. read more ...
  • travel
  • photography
  • blues
  • wakeboarding
  • snowboarding
  • running
  • surfing
  • swimming
  • Techie

Public Records

Arrest Records
